• Emergency +880 821-713632, +880 821-727518

Our Donors

Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed and Tanvir Raquib: 7 Kidney Dialysis Machine (Approximate value BDT 70,00,000).
Pubali Bank: BDT 1.01 Crore for medical equipment.
Uttara Motors: BDT 26 Lacs for TATA ambulance
Prime Bank Foundation: BDT 17,50,000 to purchase a Lift for the hospital
A K Khan Foundation:  Topical wound Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Equipment (Value: BDT 17,50,000)
Al-haj Mohammad Mukbal Hossain: BDT 10,00,000
Zila Porished Sylhet: BDT 10,00,000 to Purchase a Mortuary Refrigerator
Eastern Bank Limited: BDT 5,00,000 for Purchasing two Kidney Dialysis machine
Nova Nordisk Pharma Bangladesh: BDT 2,50,000
Mr. Tanvir Raquib: One patient Monitor (Value : BDT 1,00,000)
Ministry of Social Welfare: Approximately BDT 3 Crore for purchasing medical equipment in Ophthalmology Unit, Dialysis Unit, CCU Unit, Laboratory and starting construction work to build a Nursing Institute.
Agrani Bank Ltd : BDT 31,30,000
Chevron Ltd : 19 Set Computers
IDLC for Dialysis : BDT 5,00,000
Kaiser Rahman : BDT 1,00,000
Galalabad Gas : BDT 2,00,000
Subash Chy : BDT 1,00,000
Alhajj Shibbir Ahmed Hira : BDT 15,00,000